Frequently asked questions

Do you offer in-person therapy? Yes. In-person treatment takes place on Rodney Street in Liverpool City Centre.

Do you offer online therapy? Yes. I use Power Diary Telehealth video software, which works similarly to Zoom, FaceTime and Skype. Our counselling sessions are encrypted and secure. Read more about Power Diary Telehealth’s security, privacy and compliance.

How long will therapy last? The duration of therapy depends on you. You may decide to have just a few sessions of practical, solution-focused work or commit to longer-term therapy. A good relationship between therapist and client will be safe but stimulating, enabling you to look at the issues and feelings you want at your own pace and over the period you feel is right and can be discussed and agreed upon between us. Therapy can be a rewarding and challenging experience, so finding a counsellor with whom you feel comfortable is vital.

Is therapy confidential? Yes. What you say in therapy remains private between us, apart from in clinical supervision in an anonymous format and is a professional requirement to ensure high standards of practice for clients. Therapists must undertake this with another experienced therapist. Otherwise, only in rare circumstances, where you may be at risk of hurting yourself or another person, might I have to break confidentiality.

Do you need to be mentally ill to have therapy? No. It doesn’t mean you’re mad, stupid or weak. It means you’re taking control of your life by seeking help.

Do I have to lie on a couch? No. Although some psychoanalysts work with clients lying on a sofa, in face-to-face work, the therapist and client sit opposite each other.

Will I get addicted to counselling? In all relationships or periods of personal change, there may be times when people feel dependent or vulnerable. The therapist must be aware of that and support the client’s self-sufficiency. The ultimate aim of therapy is for the client to no longer need it but to have made changes so that she or he can get on with their life and be more confident and at ease with the world.

Can I finish therapy whenever I want? Yes, you can undoubtedly finish therapy anytime you want. However, I advise all clients that when they want to finish therapy, they have a final session to wrap up, which will help them prepare to continue using what they have learned in treatment.

How frequently do sessions take place? Therapy sessions are usually weekly but can also be fortnightly and will be agreed upon between us at the initial consultation. However, if appropriate, they can be changed by mutual agreement as you progress.